Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I love transformation! I recently came out of a book study, that myself and a friend led, and we all transformed old things into new. I'm learning that I dig the process. I think above all else, I'd like to teach transformation. The teacher must learn before she can teach! I am certainly learning. The easiest way to shed the old is to create new positive habits. Picture a bowl filled with oil (the old), then imagine a pitcher of water (the new) being poured into that same bowl. The oil has no choice but to be overcome by the water and it will move out as the water takes over. The daily choices, not the sometime choices, are what matters. Since March of 2010 I have created new lifestyle habits and I continue to see the fruit of my daily choices. I love verses, anything that stirs emotion inside. My quote that I live by for all of my transformational work is, "Slow and steady wins the race." Our culture wants everything now! Instant, convenient. Skipping the process, the journey towards "getting there," is such a loss! So much to learn along the way. So many new insights to be gained. All that character building that must take place in order to evolve into your highest self! I live for this much that I was inspired to start yet another blog :)