Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Caterpillar in the Laundry Room

I've been thinking constantly on the subject of personal favorite! I love the idea of taking old thoughts, behaviors, old stories and transforming them into something meaningful and beautiful. I'm so drawn to the idea of transformation to the point that transformation is seeking me out. Life has been's summer and with summer comes lots of parties etc. I'm the type of person that cannot be with people constantly and when I am I get a little wonky! Needless to say i haven't had much inward time. I just went into my laundry room to transfer laundry and there on the floor inching its way around was a caterpillar! The ultimate visual for transformation. That jolted me right back into my inner journey (so much surface living, lately!). I grabbed a card and carefully slid the caterpillar on for a quick ride back to the outside where its transformation can continue. Sometimes we just need a little help along the way!