Friday, March 13, 2015

Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse (cleanse day!)

Being down 4lbs is enough motivation for me to keep trucking! I'm doing more than releasing pounds though. I'm gaining respect for fruits+veges. They bring such aliveness & wellness with them. I'd forgotten how important they are. It's easy to forget that in our fast food filled world. I'm also mindfully in being present during meals. Normally, I scarf! I'm Tasmanian Devil style on my food. One minute it's there and then poof, it's gone! I don't think I was really tasting my food and I definitely wasn't chewing it as much as I should (my poor digestive system!).  Today is my first deep cleanse day. I was nervous going into it, but knew I would be able to do it because I'd made my mind up before I started this journey. I took the natural accelerator with the cleanse for life berry drink and soon after my stomach felt funny and then my face, chest and arms got incredibly hot. I ran to the nearest mirror and I was red. I looked freshly sunburnt! I immediately put an ice pack on the parts that were burning and looked online. Many people wrote about a reaction when they took the natural accelerator on an empty stomach (so on their cleanse days because normally you take it with a snack). I was completely fine within 30 minutes. I'm so thankful I chose to do my cleanse days on non work days! I don't think I'll take the natural accelerator on cleanse days going forward. It just doesn't seem worth it. I did end up eating a whole apple to get my blood sugar level back up. They call for 1/4 apple, but it just didn't do the job. I wasn't surprised by this as I'm someone who needs to eat often to be able to function. Other than the apple I've followed it exact. I don't feel hungry, I don't feel unstable and I performed my entire yoga sequence that I created for my upcoming class! Though I'm taking this one day at a time, I'm also holding the intention of how I want to feel and look when I reach my goal weight. It's important, to me, that when I begin teaching my yoga classes that I'm embodying a certain lifestyle. I want to feel fully alive, present and immersed in my life  Nothing changes if nothing changes!

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