Monday, March 9, 2015

Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse (my why)

Today, my friend Arlen and I are starting the Isagenix 30 day cleanse. We're both ready to create change in our lives. This is not a diet, but a in out with the toxins while feeding our bodies with good nutrition. Of course anytime you cut back on what you're eating, you'll lose weight, but that doesn't mean you're being healthy about it. Also, our bodies were designed to push out toxins, but we ingest so many in our current world that our bodies can't perform optimally...the way God (yes, God!) created us. He gave us free will...the ability to make our own choices. I'm ready to make better choices. I'm ready to feel well and clearer minded. I begin teaching a Hatha Yoga class on April 12th and I want to release any fears I have about that. I have book ideas in my mind (and some that have been started) and I'm ready to feel more confident and energized to make those books a reality! You must be thinking that I'm putting a lot of pressure on this 30 day cleanse. The fact is that it's all connected. What we're putting in our bodies is changing us! After I eat fast food I often feel depressed...not because of guilt, but because of chemicals! I gave up soda for the new year...haven't had one since New Year's Eve! I loved my diet coke, but every time I drank one, I craved junk! Soda is: sugary, full of chemicals, has tons of calories and is harmful to our bodies! So long soda! I'm not perfect in my habits, but I do know that every small change I make matters. Making one change (and seeing those positive results) gives you the confidence to create future changes. I like that we're doing the cleanse during Lent, it feels fitting. And, I know when certain days get tough I can call on all these 'why's I have for seeing it through.
Day 1, here we come! Rob took all my measurements last night and I planned out everything I'm eating this week. The key is in the planning. Taking the time to pave your road ahead of time will make the traveling much smoother!

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